A few are out there, experiencing the homeless way out on the street.Trying to find a place to stay.Three people out there,looking for a place to sleep and look to what happens every night.
Unlike the Mayor, out to build something that "will" bankrupt the city.And what about the over $200,000 of trees and there was just 20 trees.I would like to know where in the hell they bought those trees from.I think someone stuck their hands in that jar.Why does the city pay more attention to an arena, unless they are greasing their hands in the "so called future monies" from the project.By the way,"Think Big" was a slogan created by Imax. As for the homeless out on the street that get scattered out there by the police.
Truth: there isn't no rooms in no shelters in Sacramento.
Is it because the city is gungho forward to the arena project?
Yes and now you know where money went for the shelters.I believe that Kevin Johnson shouldn't get another term in office,by the way.A mayor in a "weak mayor committee" only votes during a tie by the city counsel,only that time he has a vote.But Mayor Johnson has been voting through every voting the city counsel has.
I don't care if he's Obama's butt kisser, he just gets what he wants in office,he ain't broke,unless he's using taxpayers' money to go everywhere he decides to go by jet.
There will be more homeless migrating to Sacramento,as for Johnson,he won't do what he said.Eliminating homelessness,just a bunch of hot air.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Esteem Of Being Homeless
Most of the homeless that live out on the streets of Sacramento are hiding out from the heat.I can't blame them for that.Bannon Street had a crowd there at one time until the police run them off.But then, others showed up there now.Most who don't hang out on that street get tired of the same old thing,over and over again.Like it's getting depressing to others that want a place to stay out of the environment.
Most enjoy the luxuries of getting GA and food stamps while living homeless.Able to have a few liberties in their life,but really most want the same as what the others is know as the high almighty people.A place that they can call home and rest their head.
Safe Ground,now that is an echo across Sacramento,a handful of people to battle the politics of the city and the county on one law against camping in the city.People living at an old landfill that could have toxic chemicals buried out there and the homeless was exposed to that.There are places that volunteer to help feed and clothe the homeless.
But that isn't enough as I see it.If a person want something so bad,they should act and do it themselves, instead of letting others do things for them.If they act like children, treat them like that.If they are men and women, they should act like that. One group of the homeless act like they are following Moses to lead them to the promise land. We'll see....
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Sketch of A Small Shelter

Safe ground building designs are just square design, like a shed.They should have different types of buildings there for different sites.Plus the design setup for the housing area.And will the guy who claimed to be the Ambassador of Tent City and now of Safe Grounds.Don't trust Mayor Johnson,he was going to create a Tent City,but money talks and the homeless walks.I'll be at the rally on Dec.29 to support Safe Grounds.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Celebrites Who were Once Homeless
I had to do a lookup on celebrities who were once homeless.Even if they were living out of their car here is still considered homeless.Go to this site and look at the list :http://www.angelfire.com/stars4/lists/homeless.html
The song "Like A Rolling Stone",Bob Dylan sings about being a complete unknown,no home,like a rolling stone.The homeless move around to keep from getting harassed by the law.The governor of this state needs three people to think for him.There are a few people in Senate that are for helping the homeless.But how long will it take?
Things are brewing on the horizon that will change the view of the snobby people out there when they end up in the same situation.It's not a crime to be poor and homeless,but evil triumphs when good men do nothing, but sit on their hands.If I mentioned one more homeless celebrity,it would be one person that was a singer and a song writer.And that was Woody Guthrie,he camped outdoors and rode the rail.
One last man that walked the earth was the celebration every December 25, Jesus Christ was homeless. "The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay his head." Matthew 8:20, Luke 9:58).
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